The ROMS Project at DFKI as part of Gaia-X 4ROMS¶
As part of the Gaia-X 4 ROMS project, the DFKI is developing a multi-agent system (MAS), a distributed software made up of several so-called software agents. Each software agent is an autonomous system, representing exactly one actor in the transport chain between package sender and package receiver (e.g., parcel delivery robots, trailers, depots) and makes decisions independently on behalf of this actor. To be able to make the best possible decisions, the software agent must be continuously connected with the other actors in the transport chain (senders, receivers, vehicles, operators, other software agents). This is to be largely implemented via a Gaia-X-based data space. On this website, we want to provide some of our lessons learned from the development of the MAS as tutorials.
Dr. Henning Gösling (henning.goesling@dfki.de)
Christoph Heinbach (christoph.heinbach@dfki.de)

Table of Contents